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Boglárka Adorján

event manager

Bogi has acquired her very first experiences in Germany, where she was working in the field of tourism marketing for four years. It was a great and at the same time noble task to spread Hungarian values in a foreign country. Among the multivarious tasks the most memorable ones were the organizational tasks of expos and different kind of programmes.

Returning back to her motherland, Bogi has given herself up to the world of event management. She has already been present when Ambience was taking its very first steps. She has a creative and colourful personality: as a blog writer, Bogi is the official composer of Ambiance’s way of life. She likes to imagine and to execute things, she likes to forethink and to write, she likes to invent and to negotiate and she also likes to organize and arrange events. The newer and continually more serious challenges mean the opportunities for improvement to her, from which her favourites are the ones which require many ideas and protocol skills.

In her free time she regains her energy taken by the occasionally energy consuming tasks with yoga, music and gardening. She is constantly brooding on her next grand idea of event and programme organization as a natural organizer and as a private individual as well.

event manager